Ovu kutijicu napravila sam svojoj sestri za godišnjicu braka.
Unutra sam stavila malu knjigicu koju sam napravila u origami stilu, leptiriće, srćeka i malu kuverticu koja se skroz rastvara.
Unutra sam stavila malu knjigicu koju sam napravila u origami stilu, leptiriće, srćeka i malu kuverticu koja se skroz rastvara.
U sredini napravila sam donji dio kutijice u obliku srca u koju sam stavila čokoladice omotane u celofan.
This box I made my sister for a wedding anniversary.
Inside I put a little book I made in origami style, butterflies, hearts and a small envelope that completely dissolves.
In the middle I made the bottom of the box in the shape of a heart in which I put chocolate wrapped in cellophane.
I would like to enter into the following challenges :