četvrtak, 18. lipnja 2015.

☺ Birthday crochet for a boy ☺

Posted by Tinka's paper wonderlland at 09:24:00 6 comments
Što dječaku za 12 rođendan???
Uz veliko razmišljanje moje klinceze i moje malenkosti ja sam odlučila za jednu štosnu kravatu a ona za Lego grijać šalice.
 Ja sretna, kćer zadovoljna a prijatelj oduševljen...
What to get for a boy's 12 birthday ???
With a lot of thinking of my dother and myself, I decided to do one cute tie and one Lego head for a cup cozie.
Me happy, daughter happy and enthusiastic friend ...
Mah, mah od mene ;)
Bye bye from me

petak, 12. lipnja 2015.


Posted by Tinka's paper wonderlland at 11:57:00 17 comments
••• Čestitka voljenoj osobi za godišnjicu •••
••• Greeting card for a loved one on  anniversary•••

utorak, 2. lipnja 2015.

••• Christening card •••

Posted by Tinka's paper wonderlland at 23:15:00 10 comments
♥ Izradila sam ovu čestitku za krštenje jedne predivne malene princezice ♥
♥ I made this card for the baptism of one beautiful little princess ♥
Nadam se da će vam se dopast.
I hope you like it.


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