četvrtak, 2. srpnja 2015.

♥ ♥ ♥ Wedding card ♥ ♥ ♥

Posted by Tinka's paper wonderlland at 20:52:00
Prijateljica koju poznajem već neko vrijeme slučajno je naletjela na moju stranicu i vidjela neke od mojih radova pa me zamolila da joj napravim jednu malo drugačiju čestitku za vjenčanje, 
koja ujedno ima đepić u koji može umetnuti novac. 
Jedini uvjet je bio da novac mora ući u svoj svojoj veličini jer su ga nabavili drito iz printaone ☺
Meni se to svidjelo i evo što sam za nju iskemijala ☺
A friend whom I have known for some time, accidentally ran into my page and see some of my work.
She asked me to do her a bit of a different greeting card for the wedding,
which also has a pocket in which money can be inserted.
The only condition was that the money has to go into all of its glory because it was obtained from the printing factory☺
I like that, and here's what I made for her;)
Veeeliki i topli pozdrav!!
Biiig and warm hello!!

Broj komentara: 6:

♥ ♥ Thank you for stopping by, every post that you write really cheer me up ♥ ♥


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