nedjelja, 29. siječnja 2017.

Foxicorn challenge

Posted by Tinka's paper wonderlland at 21:43:00
Hy and hello my crafty friends!!

You have been noticed that I am away and not visiting you lately 😔
That is because i am not well not so sick but i have been coughing for a 3 weeks now and beside that my mojo is gone 😔
I have promised you a photos from the weekend with scouts, It was lots of fun, cold and I believe that I have got my cold from there, inside warm and outside cold...Here is the link with pictures I believe that they will say it all 😊

This photo is from the last day, I do not get it but the kids allways turned up in my tent or like on this picture on me, after taking that photo, a four or five more kids come, but whell, it was warmer 😁

Now on the adorable litlle Foxicorn challenge!!
This super cute image is from Knitty Kitty
You can find freebie on fb page here: Foxicorn digi.

Please add your entry for The Foxicorn Challenge to this folder. 
The Challenge will run until 31st January 2016. 
Winners chosen at random. Choice of 3 free digis, or Knitty Kitty Stickers for the winner.

Since I cannot concentrate on drawing, I have ask my hubby if he will be so kind and color it for me, and of course he did... yeeeey...
I have added two washi tapes that I have got from a swap, a sentiment that was in my Christmas gift from my Fiki and three clear dots...

That is all from me for today, thank you for visiting me and noticing that I was away...
Sending you lots of hugs...

Broj komentara: 14:

  1. super je da te klinci vole i da se zabavljate!
    a foxi je preslatka!
    hugs, Ŧĭƙĭ

  2. How fun the sleepover with the scouts! Looks like a lot of smiles! Your card is so cute! I hope you feel better! ♥

  3. Draga Valentina, upam, da bo kmalu vse dobro! Še sreča, da imaš take super pomočnike :-)
    Timska voščilnica je super - tudi sama sem že naložila srčkano lisičko, morda mi jo uspe pobarvati do jutri.
    Hvala za prijazne komentarje na mojem blogu in še enkrat: bodi dobro. Objem, Majda
    Tvoj novi videz bloga je očarljiv - tudi sama sem pokukala na njihovo spletno stran a še nisem ugotovila, kako naj naložim novo obliko...

  4. Love that you can use scouts to keep to warm! Is their a badge they can get for warming? :) Hope you feel better soon hun and beat that cough! Thanks very much to you (and hubby) for making a great Foxicard and entering it into the challenge, I appreciate your efforts. *get well soon*
    Annabel - Knitty Kitty Digis

  5. Great photograph of you all keeping warm. I love the card and sweet image.
    Linda xxx

  6. Your hubby colored this for you? Mine would have told me, in a million years. Great teamwork!

  7. I'm sorry to hear that you have been poorly, I hope you feel better soon.
    An adorable card, such a cute little fox - how lovely of your husband to colour it for you.

  8. I am sorry to hear that you are sick! I hope you feel better soon!
    Your card is so beautiful!
    xoxo Olga

  9. Kako pridne pomočnike imaš. Lepo ste ustvarjali.
    Vse dobro ti želim. Lp

  10. Sorry to hear you have not been feeling well. I really missed seeing you and your beautiful creations. Hope your feeling better today. Thank you for sharing the photos on FB look like a lot of fun. Thanks again and feel better!!!

  11. Please don't worry about commenting on my card/s. I make so many for design teams I do not expect comments it's something I just have to do. You look after yourself and get better...hugs to you.xx{aNNie}

  12. Hello, Valentina! I am so sorry you've been sick for so long! I wondered what was going on with you. You've got a nasty bug for sure! I hope you start feeling better now that you have the antibiotic. Please tell your hubby that he did a beautiful job colouring the Foxicorn! Now I am wondering if my hubby would colour something for me if I asked. I'm thinking he would say NO, but I won't know until I ask, which I plan to do, just to find out what he says. Your hubby gets top marks from me! Your Scout trip looks like a lot of fun! Everyone looks so snuggly and warm! Take care of yourself and get better!

  13. Hello!!!
    Evo i mene malo kod tebe...super da sa klincima provodiš ovakve trenutke,neprocjenjivo...a što se bolesti tiče,upravo me tako srušilo da jedva funkcioniram(samo ako sam na tabletama,par sati)tako da znam kako ti mi žene smo jake :)
    a Foxy je odličan CAS design i sviđa mi se kombinacija sa washi tapeom...vidimo se i brzi oporavak...Željka


♥ ♥ Thank you for stopping by, every post that you write really cheer me up ♥ ♥


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