nedjelja, 4. listopada 2015.

I miss you...

Posted by Tinka's paper wonderlland at 03:20:00

Today is for me a sad but not sad day, I am angry but not mad, Here but not here and I want to cry but I build a strong wall and I am afraid if I bring him down I will fall apart ...
Today is three years since my dad past away.
My words are not coming but I should be sleeping at least for 3 hours now, but can not,
 I had to finish a card for him, a card that I want to put on his grave ...
The digi is from A Day For Daisies "Dance with dad"
Love you all ♥

Broj komentara: 8:

  1. drži se draga!
    trebala bi izrazit sve svoje osječaje da ti bude lakše.
    znam kako ti je...
    šaljem ti veliiiiki zagrljaj!

    1. Hvala ti draga puno, ti znaš kako mi je i kad bude krenulo čekaj me :) ♥

  2. Ja, taki trenutki so res grozni, žalostni, hudo je, spomini bolijo, a kaj hočemo, tudi to je del življenja. Bodi močna.

  3. This is so pretty :) I never make anything this fancy one day I might give it a try
    hugs Nikki

    1. I always like to make something diferente and dimensional, with pockets or dors..., I am glad you like it !

  4. That is a nice card for your father Tinka, I think about it a lot would be happy.
    Your idea for the organization of the card is beautiful.
    Have a nice day, dear regards.

    1. Thank you hunn I like it to, i store my card in a glas box that have a plastc candle on battery, I think that no one will se her so itis safe ther ;)


♥ ♥ Thank you for stopping by, every post that you write really cheer me up ♥ ♥


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