subota, 31. listopada 2015.

Happy mail

Posted by Tinka's paper wonderlland at 23:06:00
Yesterday I've got a happy mail from my best friend Fiki
She know to do that from time to time and she is allways on time, not like me
She make me a great Halloween card and send me ... yeeeeiiii a pocket sheet to decorate, cauze here in Croatia we do not have where to buy it and when we want to oder it, the postage is too expencive...
In the pocket whell you will seee, lots and lots of goodies...
...and not only that I have got mail, her dother Paola olso send a card for my girls

And here they are, I do not have a display case so for a while I put them in front of me on the board, I like to watch them, cause they make me happy, and when I get a new one, then I replace them and the old ones are going to a safe ceeping..

That is all for today from me...

2 komentara:

  1. ma malo samo da te obradujem :)
    a dobor kasniš pa šta onda :D
    ništa strašno,kasnim i ja ponekad :D

    1. Ja se samo nadam da će ti u ponedjeljak stić a da sam znala da dolaziš bi ti uručila hahaha


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