srijeda, 14. listopada 2015.

• Something about me and • ....scouts....

Posted by Tinka's paper wonderlland at 19:58:00

This week I am tired, do not know why but my pressure is low, and I am sleepy all the time :(
I was working on a album and a three fold card with pockets but did not finished, just can make my self finish it...
But on sunday the 10 my and my girls went with Scouts ona a "autumn gathering of Scouts" 
It was on Kalnik that is a mountain.
Beside scouting i was geocashing a litll bit and found som cashe :)
Without further ado here are some pictures ..
This is my older daughter, Gabriela, she has competed in binding knots.
They won 2 place ;)
In addition to the nodes they won second place in the orientation and in tents.
I must admit that I am very proud !!
Here are some pictures of when we went on climbing...
 The view from above :) 
Fogy but somewhat visible...
 my good friend who is always ready for mischief :)

4 komentara:

  1. super ste se zabavile!
    koma za tvoje raspoloženje!
    nadam se da če ti uskoro bit bolje

    1. Da bilo je baš super, druga dva dana sve me je boljelo al je bilo presuper!!!
      Ja se isto nadam da bu ovo samo trenutno...


♥ ♥ Thank you for stopping by, every post that you write really cheer me up ♥ ♥


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